Combating Depression with Right Diet and Medication
Keto Diet

Combining right diet with medication to fight depression

The usual prescription for those who suffer from depression or anxiety is medication. Although medication can be very helpful in treating depression and anxiety, they come with their own risks and long-term consequences. There are other lifestyle changes that are just as effective at treating depression. The most important is better eating.

Depression is a serious health issue that can cause lasting and debilitating effects on the life of a sufferer. Although depression is not a life-threatening illness, it still has a serious psychological impact. It is particularly serious among women, who are more than twice as likely to suffer from depression than men.

Although effective treatment for depression can be found in medicine, many people make the mistake of not taking their medication, or they do take medication but fail to follow the prescribed medication regimen. Here are some tips to help prevent the misuse of medication:

• Avoid taking medications when you have an upset stomach or fever

• Use a slow and steady rise in dosages as opposed to a hasty ramping up of dosages

• Do not stop taking medication abruptly

• Many antidepressants come with side effects that include sleepiness, lethargy, and appetite loss

• Try to limit your mental time spent on work and social media

• Seek help from a doctor if you get a recommendation that you should get a new medication

• Do not self-medicate with alcohol

• Eat a balanced diet

Diet is extremely important to a healthy lifestyle, and it helps to control body weight and manage depression and anxiety.

Physical nutrition is the key for optimum health and it can improve brain functioning, too. Here are the top 5 ways to keep your body healthy while combating depression without medication:

• Eat foods with the right amounts of protein, fat, and fiber for optimal health

• Eat healthy vegetables and fruits

• Eat plenty of whole grains and high-fiber foods

• Eat 1-2 servings of vegetables per day to help prevent depression

If your depression is so severe that you need medication, it is important to get a prescription and get it filled as soon as possible. If you stop taking medication after one month or two months, your brain can become numb, which can result in a relapse.

Take your time when choosing how to combat depression without medication. It is also important to change your diet to reverse the body’s natural response to depression. The powerful chemicals in your brain can turn up and release a great many harmful chemicals. Changing your diet and getting a mental or physical activity that actually helps combat depression can make a real difference in the months and years to come.

Always take your medicine as prescribed and watch your weight. Avoid obesity in order to help stabilize your weight.

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