What Is a Carnivore Keto Diet?
Keto Diet

What Is a Carnivore Keto Diet?

The carnivore keto diet has gained significant attention in recent years for its unique nutrition and weight loss approach. By combining elements of the carnivore and ketogenic diets, this dietary approach focuses on consuming primarily animal-based foods while maintaining a state of ketosis. The carnivore keto diet will be discussed in this article, along with its benefits and drawbacks and if it is a secure alternative for people looking to enhance their health and lose weight.


As its name implies, the carnivore keto diet emphasizes eating foods that come from animals while following the guidelines of the ketogenic diet. The zero-carbohydrate carnivore diet strongly emphasizes consuming meat, fish, poultry, and other animal products while excluding plant-based items. The body enters the metabolic state of ketosis when on a ketogenic diet, during which it primarily burns fat for energy. This diet is distinguished by its emphasis on high-fat, low-carb foods.

Understanding the Carnivore Keto Diet

What is the Carnivore Diet?

The carnivore diet is a dietary strategy that places an emphasis on eating meals with an animal source while avoiding any foods with a plant source. A carnivorous diet, according to supporters of this diet, is more in keeping with our evolutionary past because our ancestors mostly consumed meat and fish. The carnivore diet aims to optimize health, improve digestion, and promote weight loss by eliminating carbohydrates and plant foods.

What is the Keto Diet?

The ketogenic diet, also known as the ‘keto diet,’ is a low-carb, high-fat eating plan that has gained popularity due to its potential advantages. The keto diet causes a metabolic condition called ketosis by drastically lowering carbohydrate consumption and substituting it with healthy fats. In ketosis, the body shifts its primary fuel source from glucose to ketones produced from fat breakdown.

The Combination: Carnivore Keto Diet

The carnivore keto diet combines the principles of the carnivore and ketogenic diets. It involves consuming animal-based foods while keeping carbohydrate intake extremely low and maintaining a high fat intake. By restricting carbohydrates, the body is prompted to enter ketosis, which becomes efficient at burning fat for fuel.

How Does the Carnivore Keto Diet Work?

Entering Ketosis

To achieve and sustain a state of ketosis is the primary objective of the carnivorous keto diet. When carbohydrate intake is limited, the body’s glycogen reserves are reduced and it must turn to fat for energy. The liver then produces ketones, an alternative energy source for the brain and body.

Benefits of Ketosis

Entering ketosis through the carnivore keto diet offers several potential benefits. Some proponents of this diet claim improved mental clarity, sustained energy levels, reduced inflammation, better weight management, and enhanced metabolic health. Additionally, being in ketosis may support appetite control and promote fat burning.

Food Choices on the Carnivore Keto Diet

Animal-Based Foods

On the carnivore keto diet, the primary focus is on consuming animal-based foods. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and seafood are a few of them. Animal products are rich in nutrients like vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and protein. Choosing high-quality, pasture-raised, and organic sources is important whenever possible.

Fats and Oils

The carnivore keto diet includes fats and oils derived from animal sources and healthy plant-based options to maintain a high-fat intake. Examples include butter, ghee, lard, tallow, coconut, avocado, and olive oil. These fats provide energy and satiety and support nutrient absorption.

Pros and Cons of the Carnivore Keto Diet


  • Potential weight loss due to reduced calorie intake and increased fat burning.
  • Simplified food choices and meal planning.
  • Elimination of potential allergens or sensitivities associated with plant-based foods.
  • It may improve certain health markers, such as blood sugar and triglyceride levels.


  • If not carefully planned, nutrient deficiencies may occur, particularly in fibre, vitamin C, and certain phytonutrients.
  • Limited food variety may lead to long-term boredom or difficulty adhering to the diet.
  • Potential rise in cholesterol and saturated fat consumption, which may worry certain people.
  • Requires careful monitoring and possible supplementation to maintain nutrient balance.

Is the Carnivore Keto Diet Safe?

Consultation with a Healthcare Professional

Prior to beginning any diet, especially one as restrictive as the carnivorous keto diet, it is essential to consult with a medical professional or a licensed nutritionist. They can evaluate individual health status, provide personalized recommendations, and monitor progress to ensure safety and effectiveness.

Monitoring Nutrient Intake

Due to elimination of plant-based foods, monitoring nutrient intake becomes essential for the carnivore keto diet. Ensuring adequate consumption of vitamins, minerals, and fibre may require careful planning and possible supplementation. Regular blood tests and health check-ups can help identify any deficiencies or imbalances.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you lose weight on the carnivore keto diet?

Yes, you can lose weight while following the carnivore keto diet. By limiting carbs and emphasizing animal-based foods, the body can use its fat reserves as energy, promoting weight loss.

Is the carnivore keto diet suitable for everyone?

The carnivore keto diet may not be suitable for everyone. It is important to consider individual health conditions, nutritional needs, and personal preferences. Consulting with a healthcare professional is advised before starting any new diet.

Are there any potential side effects of the carnivore keto diet?

Some individuals may experience side effects like the “keto flu,” including symptoms like fatigue, headaches, and irritability, during the initial transition to ketosis. It is also important to monitor nutrient intake to prevent deficiencies.

Can the carnivore keto diet be followed long-term?

While some individuals may choose to follow the carnivore keto diet long-term, it is essential to ensure nutrient adequacy and address potential health concerns. For long-term adherence and wellbeing, regular monitoring and contact with a healthcare expert are essential.

Are there any alternatives to the carnivore keto diet?

Yes, various dietary approaches can support weight loss and overall health. Some alternatives to the carnivore keto diet include the standard ketogenic, paleo, and Mediterranean diets. These diets have a strong emphasis on meals that are nutrient-dense, lean protein, and a wider range of foods.


The principles of the carnivore and ketogenic diets are combined in the carnivore keto diet, a novel nutritional strategy. By consuming mostly animal-based foods and limiting their carbohydrate intake, people try to enter a state of ketosis and reap possible benefits like weight loss and enhanced metabolic health. However, it is important to approach this diet cautiously, considering individual health needs and consulting healthcare professionals for personalized guidance.

Incorporating various nutrient-dense foods, monitoring nutrient intake, and ensuring long-term sustainability are key factors in successfully implementing the carnivore keto diet. Like any diet, it is crucial to listen to your body, prioritize balance, and make choices that promote your overall health and well-being.