VigRX Delay Wipes Review - Does Its Work? Try Today
Health Products

VigRX Delay Wipes Review – Does Its Work?

Are VigRX Delay Wipes Right For You?

VigRX Delay Wipes are specifically developed all-natural wipes to aid you to last much longer throughout sex. With our one-of-a-kind blend of natural ingredients, a simple clean will undoubtedly offer you the endurance you need to make love as long as you want– with no harsh medicines that are also numbing for you or her!

Whether you suffer from frequent premature ejaculation or you intend to be able to “run the marathon”, VigRX Delay Wipes have you covered.

Think of understanding with complete confidence that when the moment is right and the mood strikes, you’ll have the ability to have lengthy, satisfying sex without worry.

VigRx Delay Wipes are designed with you in mind. They’re discreet as well as mobile.

In the past, your only alternative was a large bottle or giant tube of lotion, not precisely very discreet or secret. VigRX Delay Wipes fixes that trouble finally, however not just that.

Some wipes have chemicals like lidocaine or benzocaine that can “over numb” your penis– much even worse than they can numb her on the inside also– and that can ruin whatever.

A 100% All-natural Solution That Works

VigRX Delay Wipes are made with all-natural components to desensitize your penis simply enough, so you keep enjoyment and control without numbing her out as well as ending the evening in stress.

We have made a 100% natural alternative that will give you the endurance you want when as well as where you need it most!

Both main ingredients work in synergy with each other to give you the exact mix that will keep you in control and your companion satisfied.


Each VigRX Delay Wipes has a proprietary combination of natural herbal significances from a collaborating variety of plants. We’ve sourced them from around the world to make the most effective feasible strength from our wipes.

Zanthoxylum Oil: Distilled from a tree called the winged irritable ash that expands all over the world and has been used for centuries for its healing and antifungal properties. Its numbing effect makes it the ideal active ingredient for our wipes.

Peony Extract: Called “the queen of the flowers” by the old Greeks, the Peony has been utilized for centuries for its medical properties. From PMS to soothing nerves, the Peony has a variety of well-recorded usages. As an extract (made use of in massage therapy oils), it helps improve blood flow and has some powerful anti-oxidant results.

How do use VigRX Delay Wipes?

These very discreet wipes suit any wallet or pocket– open a VigRX Delay Wipe package, eliminate the clean and wrap it around the penis, stroke the glans and the corona-sulcus area of the penis continuously (for approximately 20 or 30 secs) in a backward and forward activity as the cream consisted of in the clean is taken in the right into the skin of the penis.

Where to Buy

You can buy it from the official website.

  • 1 bottle price – $29.95
  • 2 bottle price – $48.95
  • 3 bottle price – $57.95
  • 6 bottle price – $106.95
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